Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Word Dolphin 1.5.7

 What new:

• Android 10 - 11 support.

• Light and dark themes

• Open your dictionaries (wdi-files) with file managers, mail, etc

👆Before Android 10 Word Dolphin saves and searches dictionaries in the device's storage. Since Android 10 applications have lost access to storage. Watch this video on how to save and load your dictionaries on Android 10 and above.

 Try new features for free today 😀



Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Курс "Базова англійська"

Власне, кілька місяців роботи на пару з Tetiana Kazarian і ось перший результат — курс "Базова англійська". Ви можете проходити його на YouTube, або на телефоні, чи планшеті за допомогою спеціального додатку. Власне, цей додаток і робить курс ефективним оскільки поєднує функції підручника і надає елементи комунікації.

Я рекомендую спочатку продивитися весь урок, вивчити незнайомі слова, а потім увімкнути вправи та пройти урок ще раз. Курс розроблено таким чином, щоб дати необхідний граматичний та лексичний мінімум. Ми усвідомлюємо, що ми всі зайняті люди, тому зробили уроки короткими настільки, наскільки це було можливо.
І пару слів про додаток. Він дуже новий, тому можливі деякі глюки, але, в цілому, працює непогано. Втім, є два моменти:
• – для розпізнавання вашої вимови використовуються сервіси Google. Якщо вони не зовсім коректно розпізнають вашу вимову, просто виправте результат у полі для відповіді. Крім того, дуже рекомендуємо ПИСАТИ речення. Це дуже дієва практика вивчення будь-якої мови;
• – автоматичне перемикання програвача відео з портретної у альбомну орієнтацію поки що не працює. Щоб перемкнутися, натисніть ▭ або ▯.
Приємного навчання.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Why Word Dolphin isn't a dictionary?

I often get claims like this: Your app isn't a dictionary.
Let's explain the situation. Word Dolphin is a memorizing tool that allows easily creating your vocabulary. Add unknown words to the application, look for translation and pronunciation. The next stage is learning and repeating added words.
First, I wanted to use a dictionary. But I found two important points:
  • Dictionaries provide too many translations! For example, the word "pass" has more than 30 translations into Ukrainian! But only three are often used. When you try to learn all these 30 translations, your brain just will boil!
  • The next important point is the word's context. Dictionaries provide examples, but better to learn words in a phrase where you found it.
If you need a dictionary, you can find a lot of good dictionaries. I use Google Translate to look for translation rank.
Finally, if you want to find a full word definition, press the "Share via" button to send word at other apps such as the Oxford Dictionary, Google Translate, etc.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Word Dolphin 1.4 was released

What's new?
Firstly, you can search for translation and pronunciation from Spanish to other languages using Wiktionary.
Secondly, learn mode was improved
Thirdly, the search is faster now.

Get Word Dolphin.

Monday, March 4, 2019

How to learn vocabulary

Hello! Probably, you are in the process of learning a certain language?
I have something to say about it because I speak it in English, which is my second language. Moreover, learning English was so hard for me that after thinking about my problems, I wrote an application that facilitates the words learning process for me. But we'll talk about this later. And now I will share with you my approach to the studying of words. It works for me and, it could work for you too.
What do you think is the most important thing when learning a language:
  • grammar that explains how to build sentences
  • or filling your vocabulary
  • maybe practice with native speakers?
All of that is important, but there is one condition. It's MOTIVATION. Someone likes to learn languages, and it's sufficient motivation. But what about others? They haven't fun of it. Therefore, they begin to learn the language if it's necessary. For example, you need to travel or have an important speech. Or you need to communicate with someone who does not know your language. In general, when you realize you MUST. Thus, if you have no motivation, you will not make progress in learning a language. So, you have enough motivation to learn a language. Perhaps you are studying it with a teacher, by textbook or online course. All this time you are learning the rules to build the sentences, grammar. In addition to grammatical rules, you also study new words. Perhaps your teacher or textbook gives them to you, or you meet a new word and decide to memorize it. Let's focus on this.
Here are the main points:
  • TWO DIRECTIONS Learn words in two directions: Foreign Word ➡ Native Word and Native Word ➡ Foreign Word. If you learn only Foreign Word ➡ Native Word, you will be able to understand foreign speech, but you will have problems with answers. It will be difficult for you to remember quickly the translation from your native language to a foreign one. And vice versa, while studying only Native Word ➡ Foreign Word, it will be difficult for you to understand foreign phrases.
  • LISTEN AND REPEAT You need to LISTEN to the native speakers and try to repeat after them.
  • WRITE You need to write new words. When you write, you better memorize words and recognize them in the text. But I want to warn you not to write the words by hand! 99% of the information comes in print and, you may not recognize the familiar word! To avoid this, learn exactly the printed version.
  • REPEATING Learned words are quickly forgotten. You will forget some words for the next day after training and the rest of them within the next two weeks. A good teacher will often use the learned words so that you remember them well. But, the more words you have learned, the harder is to keep them in mind. To avoid this, you need to apply the learned words often.
And above all, is the DAILY training. You must form a habit of learning the language. It takes about 40 days of everyday practice. This is not my whim, but how the human brain works. That is why to get through these 40 days you need motivation. After a habit is formed, it will be easier for you to memorize the words. And here I want to draw your attention to such an obstacle. From time to time, you will not be able to keep in mind even two words! It's normal. In this case, do not force yourself to learn, only repeat the words. Also, don't bother if you can't memorize many words at a time. As a result of regular training, their number will increase.
To make it easier to memorize the words I created a Word Dolphin. If you have the motivation for daily training, this application will help you to learn and keep in mind the words. But let's talk about this in the next part.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Word Dolphin 1.2 was released

New version of Word Dolphin has released. What new:
• normal and slower speed of word pronunciation.
• tablet layout was improved.
• user experience was improved.
• performance improvement and bug fixing.

Next version 1.2.1 will include:
• Quick repeat. Repeat several learned words so it will take 1-2 minutes.
• More effective practice: learn words in sentences.
• Dictionary manager will improved.

Get Word Dolphin  for free in GooglePlay.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Motivation, Word Dolphin zu schaffen

Wenn Sie neue Wörter lernen müssen, empfiehlt es sich, sie in einem Notebook zu schreiben und auswendig zu lernen. Es ist nicht der einzige Ansatz, aber es ist am weitesten verbreitet. Es funktioniert wirklich gut, vor allem für kleine Anzahl von Wörtern. Aber wenn der Lernprozess ist kontinuierlich, können Sie einige Probleme haben:
* Gelernte Worte sind schnell vergessen; Also muss man einen Kalender erstellen
* Verschiedene Wörter werden auf unterschiedliche Weise gespeichert und man muss ihnen zusätzliche Aufmerksamkeit widmen
* Transkription gibt eine Vorstellung über die Aussprache. Für ein gutes Lernen müssen Sie einen Muttersprachler anhören
* Persönliches Papiervokabular ist nicht gut zum Lernen sowie das Aufschreiben von zusätzlichen Informationen wie Kommentare oder Muster von Nutzungen. Vor allem ist es schwer, zwischen geschriebenen Reihen zu schreiben. Natürlich können Sie notwendige Dinge aufschreiben, aber extra Text vor den Augen wird das Lernen komplizieren
* wenn man die von Hand geschriebenen Worte lernt, wird man Probleme haben, gedruckte Wörter zu erkennen
* zu schwer, um das notwendige Wort unter vielen Seiten von Worten zu finden
* Hinzufügen der Worte in ein Notebook hilft es, zusätzliche Wörter zu lernen. Es ist nicht bequem, wenn man einige Wörter lernen muss
* oft ist das Notebook mit Worten nicht vorhanden, wenn man ein neues Wort hinzufügen muss. Dieser Ansatz hat auch das Problem der Duplizierung
* Sie können ein Papiernotizbuch vergessen oder verlieren
* Das Redigieren von der von Hand geschriebenen Wörtern wird das Vokabular verstopfen, weil es das Lernen beeinträchtigt
* Schließlich ist das Notebook mit der Zeit zerrissen

Ich fing an, nach Anwendung zu suchen, die alle diese Probleme behebt, aber ohne Erfolg. Einige Anwendungen waren zu kompliziert besonders für Kinder. Eine andere war zu langsam auf meinem Handy oder wurde nur für eine Sprache entwickelt. Schließlich hatte ich angefangen, einen Wort-Delphin zu schaffen, der von diesen Problemen frei wäre. Ich hatte mich bemüht, die Anwendung schnell und einfach in Bedienung zu schaffen. Hoffe, das das gelungen ist, und Sie mögen es.