Saturday, December 30, 2017

Motivation, Word Dolphin zu schaffen

Wenn Sie neue Wörter lernen müssen, empfiehlt es sich, sie in einem Notebook zu schreiben und auswendig zu lernen. Es ist nicht der einzige Ansatz, aber es ist am weitesten verbreitet. Es funktioniert wirklich gut, vor allem für kleine Anzahl von Wörtern. Aber wenn der Lernprozess ist kontinuierlich, können Sie einige Probleme haben:
* Gelernte Worte sind schnell vergessen; Also muss man einen Kalender erstellen
* Verschiedene Wörter werden auf unterschiedliche Weise gespeichert und man muss ihnen zusätzliche Aufmerksamkeit widmen
* Transkription gibt eine Vorstellung über die Aussprache. Für ein gutes Lernen müssen Sie einen Muttersprachler anhören
* Persönliches Papiervokabular ist nicht gut zum Lernen sowie das Aufschreiben von zusätzlichen Informationen wie Kommentare oder Muster von Nutzungen. Vor allem ist es schwer, zwischen geschriebenen Reihen zu schreiben. Natürlich können Sie notwendige Dinge aufschreiben, aber extra Text vor den Augen wird das Lernen komplizieren
* wenn man die von Hand geschriebenen Worte lernt, wird man Probleme haben, gedruckte Wörter zu erkennen
* zu schwer, um das notwendige Wort unter vielen Seiten von Worten zu finden
* Hinzufügen der Worte in ein Notebook hilft es, zusätzliche Wörter zu lernen. Es ist nicht bequem, wenn man einige Wörter lernen muss
* oft ist das Notebook mit Worten nicht vorhanden, wenn man ein neues Wort hinzufügen muss. Dieser Ansatz hat auch das Problem der Duplizierung
* Sie können ein Papiernotizbuch vergessen oder verlieren
* Das Redigieren von der von Hand geschriebenen Wörtern wird das Vokabular verstopfen, weil es das Lernen beeinträchtigt
* Schließlich ist das Notebook mit der Zeit zerrissen

Ich fing an, nach Anwendung zu suchen, die alle diese Probleme behebt, aber ohne Erfolg. Einige Anwendungen waren zu kompliziert besonders für Kinder. Eine andere war zu langsam auf meinem Handy oder wurde nur für eine Sprache entwickelt. Schließlich hatte ich angefangen, einen Wort-Delphin zu schaffen, der von diesen Problemen frei wäre. Ich hatte mich bemüht, die Anwendung schnell und einfach in Bedienung zu schaffen. Hoffe, das das gelungen ist, und Sie mögen es.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Зачем был создан Word Dolphin?

Когда необходимо изучать новые слова, рекомендуется выписывать их в блокнот и заучивать. Это не единственный подход к изучению, однако он самый распространенный. Действительно, он отлично работает, особенно на небольших объёмах слов. Однако когда процесс изучения довольно длительнй, возможны такие проблемы:
* уже выученные слова быстро забываются и нужно организовать график поторения;
* не все слова запоминаются одинаково, поэтому на них надо обратить особое внимание;
* транскрипция только даёт представление о звучании слова, однако лучше услышать носителя языка;
* формат бумажного словаря не самый лучший, чтобы учить слова и вписывать дополнительную информацию, такую как комментарии или примеры использования. Особенно неудобно вписывать что-то между строк. Естественно, вписать никто не запрщает, но много лишнего текста перед глазами мешает заучиванию;
* изучая слова, написанные от руки, сложно распознавать их в печатном виде;
* после того, как будет выписано несколько сотен слов, сложно быстро найти нужное слово;
* добавление слов в тетрадь заставляет учить их в том порядке в каком они были доданы. Это очень неудобно, если необходимо быстро выучить несколько слов;
* тетрадки часто нет под руками, когда необходимо внести новое слово. Кроме того, есть проблема дублирования уже внесенных слов;
* тетрадь со словами часто забывается или теряется;
* исправление записанного просто замусоривает словарь, мешая обучению;
* в конце-концов тетрадь просто рвется;

Когда я начал искать программу, которая бы решила эти недостатки, то подходящую не нашел: что-то было достаточно сложным, особенно для детей; другая медленно работала или поддерживала только один язык. Поэтому я решил написать Word Dolphin, свободный от этих недостатков. Я приложил усилия, чтобы приложение было быстрым и максимально простым. Надеюсь, что у меня вышло и Word Dolphin вам понравится.

Чому було створено Word Dolphin?

Коли потрібно вивчати нові слова, рекомендується виписувати їх до зошита і завчати. Це не єдиний підхід до вивчення, але він найбільш розповсюджений. Дійсно, він гарно працює, особливо на невеликих об’ємах слів. Але коли процес вивчення досить тривалий, людина стикається з певними проблемами:
* вже вивчені слова швидко забуваються і потрібно створювати графік повторення;
* не всі слова однаково гарно запам’ятовуються, тож на їх повторення потрібно звертати особливу увагу;
* транскрипція тільки дає уявлення про звучання слова, але бажано чути носія мови;
* формат паперового словника не найкращий для того, щоб вчити слова і вписувати додаткову інформацію, таку як коментарі чи приклади використання. Звісно, вписати ніхто не забороняє, але багато зайвого тексту перед очима заважає заучуванню;
* вивчаючи слова, написані від руки, складно розпізнавати їх у друкованому вигляді;
* після того, як буде виписано кілька сотень слів, складно швидко знайти потрібне слово;
* внесення додаткових слів у словник примушує до вивчення їх у тому порядку, у якому їх додано. А це зовсім незручно, коли потрібно швидко вивчити певну групу слів;
* зошита часто нема під руками, коли потрібно внести нове слово. Крім того, існує проблема дублювання внесених слів;
* зошит зі словами має здатність губитися або десь забуватися;
* виправлення записаного просто засмічує словник, заважаючи навчанню;
* врешті-решт зошит просто рветься;

Коли я почав шукати програму, яка б вирішила ці недоліки, то не знайшов те, що б хотілося:
якась програма була досить складна, особливо для дитини. Інша повільно працювала або мала підтримку тільки однієї мови.
Тож я вирішив написати Word Dolphin, який би був вільний від цих недоліків. Я приклав багато зусиль, щоб додаток вийшов швидким, надійним та якомога простішим. Надіюсь, що це вийшло і Word Dolphin вам сподобається.

Motivation to create Word Dolphin

It has recommended for learning new words to write them into a notebook and learn by rote. It is not the only approach but it is the most widespread. Really, it works well, especially for small amount of words. But if the learning process is continuous you may have some problems:
* learned words are quickly forgotten; so you must create review calendar
* different words are memorized differently and you must pay extra attention to them
* transcription gives an idea about pronunciation. For good learning, you need to listen to a native speaker
* personal paper vocabulary is not good for learning and writing extra information such as comments or samples of usages. Especially it is hard to write between written rows. Of course, you can write necessary things but the extra text in front of the eyes will complicate learning
* because  you learn the words written by hand you will have problems to recognize printed words
* too hard to find necessary word among many pages of words
* adding the words into a notebook makes to learn added words. It is not convenient when you need to learn some words
* often notebook with words is absent when you need to add a new word. Also, this approach has words duplicate problem
* you can forget or lose a paper notebook
* to edit the words written by hand will clog vocabulary because it interferes with learning
* eventually the notebook is torn with time

I started to search the application which fixes all these problems but did not find exact because some applications were too complicated especially for children. Another one was too slow on my phone or was developed only for one language. Finally, I started to create a Word Dolphin which would be free of these problems. I made an effort for application to work fast and easy to use. I hope it turned out and you like it.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Word Dolphin 1.0.3

In this version:
  • Record of own pronunciation:
  • New color theme for facilitation of memorizing words
  • German translation by Volodymyr Pyshchyda
  • Several experience improvements and bug fixes
You can get the new version on Google Play.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Privacy Policy

At Word Dolphin team we recognize that privacy is significant. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) applies to your use of the applications on all platforms (the “Application” or “Applications”), the related services we provide (“Services”) and the Site.
Word Dolphin team ( “us” or “we”) has created this Policy to explain our privacy practices so that you will understand what information about you is collected, used and disclosed with respect to the Applications, the Services and the Site.
By using Application, the Services or the Site, you consent to the privacy practices described in this Policy. This Policy covers our collection, use and disclosure of your information through the Applications, the Services and the Site. It does not cover any collection, use or disclosure by third parties through any applications, Web sites, products or services that we do not control or own, such as Facebook, or any third party features or services made available via an Application, the Services or the Site. All trademarks, trade names and logos of third parties featured on the Applications or the Site belong to their respective owners.

a. Personal Information. We do not collect Personal Information. “Personal Information” is information that identifies you or another person, which may be transmitted or received when you use an Application, the Services and/or the Site. Personal Information includes your geographic location information, names, physical addresses, email addresses, telephone, fax, SSN, information stored within your Device and other information you transmit or receive using an Application, the Service and/ or the Site which identify you or another person.
b. Non-personal identification. We may collect non-personal identification information about Users whenever they interact with our apps. Non-personal identification information may include the type of your phone and technical information about Users means of connection to our apps, such as the versions of phone model and other similar information.
  1. Session and Usage Data. “Session and Usage Data” is information about your use of an Application, the Services and/or the Site and includes, without limitation, connection and service-related data submitted to us through your use of an Application, the Services or the Site. Session and Usage Data includes information relating to the connection request, server communication and data sharing, including network measurements, quality of service, and date, time and location of the bump. We also may aggregate Session and Usage data as described in Aggregate Information below. Please note that Session and Usage Data does not include any Personal Information nor does it include Content you may transmit or share through the use of an Application (such as photos, contacts, calendar appointments, etc.), the Services, or the Site. 
  2. Log Data. When you interact with us or use an Application, the Services or our Site, our systems may automatically collect your unique User Device number, the IP address, type of browser or operating system you use, and the dates and times of your use (“Log Data”). 
  3. Aggregate Information. “Aggregate Information” is data we collect about a group or category of services or Users from which individual User identities have been removed. In other words, information on how you use the Applications, the Services and the Site may be collected and combined with information about how others use the Applications, the Services and the Site, but no personally identifiable information will be included in the resulting Aggregate Information. Aggregate Information helps us understand trends in our Users’ needs so that we can better consider new features or otherwise tailor the Applications, the Services and the Site.

a. Personal Information- since we do not collect Personal Information, we may not use your personal information in any way. b. Non- Personal Information. We may use Non-Personal Information for any purpose as below:
  1. To personalize user experience- We may use your Non- Personal Information to understand demographics, customer interest, and other trends among our Users;
  2.  To help develop our service- We may use Non- Personal Information to provide, maintain, improve and modify the Applications, Services and the Site and develop new services;
  3. To further develop Word Dolphin team business. We may use Non- Personal Information for promotion and marketing purposes.

a. Personal Information. In general, we use Session and Usage Data internally to serve our Users and enable them to take maximum advantage of the Applications, the Services and the Site. We do not store Personal Information and therefore we do not disclose your Personal Information.
b. Non-Personal Information. We may disclose Non-Personal Information to our trusted partners who shall comply with this privacy policy and the relevant privacy laws. We do not combine Non-Personal Information with Personal Information (such as combining your name with your unique User Device number).

We may provide links to third-party Websites, such as Facebook, as a service to our Users. The Site may also carry advertisements from other companies. When you click on links to third parties in an Application, the Services or the Site, you may leave the Application, the Services or the Site. We do not collect your information on and through and This Policy does not address, and we are not responsible for, the privacy practices of Web sites operated by third parties, whether they are linked to or otherwise accessible from an Application, the Services or the Site. The inclusion of a link or accessibility of third party Websites does not imply endorsement of such third party Website by us.

We cannot control the actions of other Users with whom you share your information. We cannot, and do not, control the information you share with other Users using an Application, the Services or the Site (including via Forums) or how such other Users will use or share such information. We are not responsible for third party circumvention of our security measures.

We are very concerned about safeguarding the confidentiality of your information. We do not collect Personal Information, and we employ administrative, physical and electronic measures designed to protect your Non-Personal Information from unauthorized access and use. Please be aware that no security measures that we take to protect your information are absolutely guaranteed to avoid unauthorized access or use of your Non-Personal Information which is impenetrable.

Your Personal Information may be stored and processed in any country where we have facilities, and by using an Application, the Services or the Site you consent to the transfer of your Personal Information to countries, including the United States, which may be outside of your country of residence and may provide for different and less stringent data protection rules than in your country. If you object to your Personal Information being transferred or used as described in this Policy, please do not use any Application, the Services or the Site and immediately delete all Applications from your User Devices.

We ask that you not send us, and you not disclose, any sensitive Personal Information (e.g., information related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health, sexual orientation, criminal background or membership in past organizations, including trade union memberships) on or through an Application, the Services or the Site or otherwise to us.

If you have any questions or comments about this Policy or our privacy practices, or to report any violations of the Policy or abuse of an Application, the Services or the Site, please contact us at

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise alter this Policy at any time. If you do not agree to any modifications to this Policy, your sole recourse is to immediately stop all use of all Applications, the Services and the Site. Your continued use of any Application, the Services or the Site following the posting of any modifications to this Policy will constitute your acceptance of the revised Policy. Please note that none of our employees or agents has the authority to vary any of our Policies.